What is interior design? How can I have a career in it?
Jul, 23 2023

What is interior design? How can I have a career in it?

Interior design is a creative field that involves designing and enhancing indoor spaces to make them functional and aesthetically pleasing. To pursue a career in this industry, you'll need to develop a strong sense of style, spatial awareness, and technical skills, usually through a degree in interior design or a related field. Practical experience, such as internships or entry-level jobs, can further build your portfolio. Professional certification can also boost your career. Remember, success in this field relies heavily on creativity, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills.

What is the age limit to become an interior designer?
Feb, 20 2023

What is the age limit to become an interior designer?

Interior design is a profession that requires a combination of creative and technical skills. To become an interior designer, there is no set age limit. Generally, the accepted age range for interior designers is between 18 and 65. Individuals can become interior designers earlier if they have enough experience and knowledge. Many factors, such as local regulations, may also apply. It is important to research the requirements in the area where one wishes to become an interior designer.